​                                                                          ​​​FAQs by Families & Caregivers


​What is Project Lifesaver?


Project Lifesaver is a proactive life protection program for individuals living with cognitive disorders. The program enhances the probability of the individual's rescue and makes it possible to reduce the search effort from days and hours to minutes.


How does Project Lifesaver work?


An individual enrolled in the Project Lifesaver Program is referred to as a client. Clients wear a unique pre-programmed one ounce battery operated transmitter either on their wrist or ankle at all times. This transmitter will emit a unique tracking signal every second, 24 hours of the day.

When a client goes missing, it is up to their caregiver to call 9-1-1. Police will be notified and will contact the appropriate Project Lifesaver Chapter to respond. When the specially trained volunteers are requested by their local police agency to respond, they use a mobile directional radio frequency receiver to tune into the client's pre-programmed frequency. Listening for the client’s unique tracking signal will lead responders to the client, whether the client is stationary or mobile.

It has been proven that these transmitters are able to track through obstacles, such as concrete walls and heavy forest and these water resistant transmitters can be tracked on the ground or in the air over several miles.


Who can use the Project Lifesaver program?


Individuals who live with a cognitive disorder and are at risk to wander or

bolt can be considered as a candidate for the Project Lifesaver program.

The Project Lifesaver program is not available for those who do not have a responsible individual or caregiver caring for them 24 hours a day. The Project Lifesaver program is not a substitute for care or supervision.


Where is Project Lifesaver available in Nova Scotia?


Volunteers from the 24 Nova Scotia Ground Search and Rescue teams have taken specialized training to be able to respond in the event that a Project Lifesaver client wanders or bolts from care. Although response coverage is province wide, not all of the 24 teams are currently accepting clients.

Please view our coverage map located on the About US page of the website to check availability in your area. If you are uncertain about coverage availability, please contact us by one of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website.

If the program is currently not available in your area, we will obtain your contact information and advise you as soon as the service is available.


Project Lifesaver is available in my area and my loved meets the criteria, what additional information should our family consider?


Please visit the Client Info page on our website. You will find a sample of the Client Contract. Read and review this document to ensure you and your family are comfortable with the terms contained in the contract. Realize it is your family's choice whether or not you obtain your own legal advice before entering into any agreement. If we can help provide clarification on information contained within the contract, please contact us by one of the methods on the Contact Us page of our website.


I am comfortable with the Client Contract, what else will be required to enroll my loved one?


A doctor's letter or note is required for the individual whose family wishes to have them enrolled in the Project Lifesaver program. The letter must include the name and date of birth of the patient and also indicate what cognitive disorder(s) the individual lives with and that they are at risk to or have wandered or bolted from care. An individual can only be considered as a candidate until this letter or note is provided. This is one document that a family must obtain before their loved one can be enrolled into the Project Lifesaver program. Letters or notes from doctors only will be accepted.

A Power of Attorney and or other affidavit(s) may be required before an individual can be enrolled into the Project Lifesaver program. The need for this information is determined based on the situation of the candidate. Please contact us by using on of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website to find out if the need may be applicable to your loved one.

Arrangements will need to be made to cover the initial enrollment and on going maintenance fees outlined in the Client Contract. Your family will need to consider how to cover these costs. Assistance may be available from various sources to assist your family to cover some or all of these costs. Please contact us by using on of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website for more information on these options.


Who do I contact to start the enrolment process?


To start the enrolment process, contact us by one of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website. We will put your family in contact with your local program coordinator.


As a caregiver, is there anything I should consider before my loved one is enrolled in the Project Lifesaver program?


If your loved one is subject to sensory overload, it is highly recommended that you prepare them prior to being enrolled in the Project Lifesaver program. This process may greatly reduce the stress on your loved one and those caring for them once they are enrolled.

First you should consider if it is best that the transmitter will be worn on their wrist or ankle. If it is decided your loved one will wear the transmitter on their wrist, it is important for you to realize which their dominant hand is. The dominant hand will be the wrist that those enrolling your loved one will want to place the transmitter. If your loved one is ambidextrous, the choice will be for you or your family.

Once the wrist of choice is identified, it is recommended that you have your loved one become familiar with wearing something on their wrist at all times, whether it is a watch, band, bracelet or something similar. This may be trying at first but with consistency and patience, your loved one will eventually accept the presence on them.

The purpose of this preparation is to reduce the stress for them wearing the transmitter as at first your loved one will most likely pick at or attempt to pull it off themselves.

Placing a transmitter on the ankle is sometimes less stressful for an individual and is an option to consider. This option is also available if it is decided the individual cannot accept wearing the transmitter on their wrist.


My loved one has a skin condition that can cause their skin to become easily irritated. Will the bands irritate their skin?


Most clients in the Project Lifesaver program have had no issues wearing the standard vinyl strap. If your loved one has a skin condition that may cause some concern, please inform your local Chapter. They will make arrangements to obtain special straps for use by your loved one. These straps were designed for individuals with sensitive skin.


I have a concern that my loved one will be able to tear off the vinyl strap. Is there a stronger strap that can be used?


There is a one inch leather strap which can be worn by a client. The recommendation for wear would be mainly dependent on the individual who it is intended for. This strap is not designed for children or individuals who have dainty wrists. A specially designed transmitter is needed due to the thickness of this leather strap.


What takes place during enrollment?


Once arrangements for a representative to enroll your loved one have been made, a representative will attend your residence. They will have a copy of the Client Contract for you or a family member to sign and will complete a data collection sheet and collect any necessary paperwork. They will explain the reporting procedure if your loved one goes missing. They will also collect enrollment and monthly fees (monthly fees may be provided in a lump sum or by monthly pre-authorized debit). They will then explain the testing procedure and how to complete the daily log form and fit your loved one with a transmitter.

Before our representative leaves your property, they will ensure the transmitter is working properly and take a few notes regarding the surrounding of your home which includes GPS coordinates and any potential hazards for a wanderer.

The time needed to enroll a client will vary but can usually be completed in approximately one and a half hours.


What takes place during the monthly maintenance visit?


Once a month, usually following the monthly anniversary date, an assigned Project Lifesaver volunteer will be in contact with you to make arrangements to change your loved one's transmitter's battery and strap.

The appointment usually lasts fifteen minutes and most often will take place in your loved one's home. The visit will consist of the volunteer reviewing and collecting the completed monthly caregiver log sheet and providing a new form, removing and inspecting your loved one's transmitter, cleaning any residue before lubricating the 'o ring' and replacing the battery before placing the transmitter on your loved one with a new band. The volunteer will address any issues or concerns and will schedule your loved one's next monthly visit before they leave.


Does the transmitter need to be removed when my loved one bathes, showers or swims?


Transmitters worn by clients in the Project Lifesaver program are water resistant. Your loved one can continue hygiene and extra curricular activities such as swimming without concern for the abilities of the transmitter they wear.


What if the transmitter is removed from my loved one?


In the event your loved one wanders or bolts from care, with the transmitter not being on them, it cannot assist with locating your loved one.

Please realize when a transmitter is placed for the purpose of the Project Lifesaver program it is not to be removed from the client. If your loved one somehow removes it themselves, you will need to notify your local Chapter as soon as this is realized. They will have someone attend to place the transmitter back on your loved one.


What if the transmitter is removed from my loved one due to medical treatment?


Sometimes a client may be admitted to hospital for medical procedures or in an emergency situation. Although it is encouraged that the client's transmitter be left on, in some circumstances medical professionals will need to remove the transmitter from your loved one in order to provide them appropriate care.

If your loved one is faced with this situation, please notify your local Chapter as soon as possible. If the transmitter is removed to allow for medical care, you will need to make arrangements to have the transmitter placed back on your loved one as soon as possible or move the transmitter to the other wrist or an ankle temporarily. While the transmitter is not on your loved one for this purpose, you will need to continue with security measures appropriate for your loved one at the current stage of their condition. You should also discuss your loved one's participation in the Project Lifesaver program with your health care provider.


What guarantee is there that Project Lifesaver will locate my loved ones should they become missing?


We would like to say there is a 100% guarantee; however, there is no such thing, regardless of the technology or method utilized. It must always be remembered that when dealing with people, each situation will be different. Project Lifesaver does have the most successful record in the world. This has been accomplished through a combination of training, methods, procedures and the latest technology which is tested often in real world situations. The best protection is to have trained personnel with the latest equipment available, respond and conduct these searches. The success record of this approach speaks for itself.


I am travelling outside of Nova Scotia. Will my loved on be have access to the Project Lifesaver program elsewhere?


If you and your family are planning a trip outside of Nova Scotia with a client enrolled in the Project Lifesaver program, depending on where you may be travelling to, Project Lifesaver may be available.

There are over 1200 participating Project Lifesaver agencies across the world and are located in different regions of Canada, throughout the United States and Australia. Please contact us by one of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website to inquire about coverage for your destination.


My loved one is going on vacation with our family and we will be flying. Will airport authorities remove their transmitter?


Before air travel, please contact our office by one of the methods provided on the Contact Us page of the website. We will provide your family with documents and information which will assist you during your travels.


Does Project Lifesaver accept Visa or MasterCard?


No, at this time Project Lifesaver Association of Nova Scotia is not equipped to accept any major credit cards.


Can I change the date that my monthly pre-authorized maintenance payments are coming out of my account?


No. The first calendar day of every month starting the second month following a client's enrolment is the day in which the monthly fees will be withdrawn from the designated account. This date was chosen to best suit our clients. If the first day of every month is not suitable for your family, other arrangements can be made such as pre-payment for services. Please contact us by one of the methods on the Contact Us page of the website for more information on this option.


My loved one's condition has changed. We feel that the service is no longer required. How can we remove our loved one from the program?


Please contact your local Chapter. They will have a representative attend your residence to have the appropriate family member complete and sign a Release Form before the collection of the transmitter and tester which was provided for use by your loved one.


Does PLANS have a refund policy?


If a client withdraws from the program in the first six months, PLANS will refund a portion of the enrollment fee. There will be a full refund if they withdraw in the first month, decreasing by $50 per month, with no refund after six months.


What information can you provide about the use of other tracking technologies?


From Chief Gene Saunders, CEO and Founder of Project Lifesaver International – I have been asked often, in the past 12 years, about GPS and cell phone tracking and why we have not gone to it or endorse it. My answer is simple:

GPS and cell phone tracking are great; if you know how to use it and make sure you stand in the open, under a cloudless sky. Over the years, we at PLI have observed many tests of this technology and have conducted several ourselves. Each test renders the same results: GPS and cell phone tracking are not reliable enough to place a person’s life in jeopardy by its use. Too often, it completely failed or placed the location of the person far away from their actual location. For example; we incurred many failures if the person with the GPS unit was under anything or masked the unit with their body. For instance, in a house, under an overpass, in a car, under thick trees or in some cases thick cloud cover. These are the same instances where RF (radio) tracking did locate the person. We have one documented instance where GPS was being used in a search and rescue training exercise, it failed and a search had to be launched for the person wearing the unit. We have also tested several units in large downtown areas and it either failed completely, by loss of signal or sent to us to a phantom location. One company engaged in this technology, after I challenged their results, finally placed a disclaimer on its website, stating – anything capable of blocking sunlight may block GPS signals. So, if you are asking me if I endorse or recommend GPS/cell phone tracking, my answer is; for airplanes, boats, or any situation where life is not immediately in peril and the person using it understands how it works and stands out in the open, it will probably work. If not, don’t bet your life or someone else’s on it.

- Gene Saunders, CDG, Founder, President, CEO


What is PLANS's mandate?


· Promote the formation of local Project Lifesaver Chapters encompassing all of Nova Scotia by providing support in the form of guidance, educational materials, consulting services and other operational needs;

· Promote, develop and coordinate educational programs to educate the general public and Chapters about Project Lifesaver;

· Conduct meetings to provide a public forum for promoting search and rescue technologies and resources in Nova Scotia;

· Assist with the creation of and the maintaining of partnerships with community partners to promote the health and safety for individuals at risk for wandering within our communities;

· Promote standardization of Project Lifesavers Chapters within Nova Scotia by preparing and communicating operating and reporting procedures, programs and templates from learned best practices under the guidance of Project Lifesaver International

Utilize funds for Project Lifesaver program operations, training, certification and co-ordination of Public Safety in Nova Scotia.


If you would like to learn more about Project Lifesaver from having a presentation provided to your group to becoming a volunteer, a community partner or supporter, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us for more information.